Radio’s decade as the most trusted medium in Europe

Radio is the most trusted medium in Europe according to the annual Eurobarometer survey from the European Commission, which monitors public perceptions on a range of issues, including trust in media.
Radio, which has come out top for the tenth year in row, is the most trusted in nearly three quarters (73%) of the European countries covered by the survey, including the UK.
Its latest results found that radio was trusted by 57% of Europeans, compared to 49% for TV and 46% for press.
In contrast, social media and the internet continue to receive much lower trust levels than traditional media, with social networks the least trusted medium in 28 out of 33 countries surveyed.
The Eurobarometer survey findings are backed by similar research from Radiocentre, whose previous Breaking News report also found radio to be the most trusted medium in the UK, with social media the least trusted platform.
Siobhan Kenny, CEO of Radiocentre said: “As so much of the world is affected by the coronavirus outbreak, trusted information has never been more important to all citizens. Radio always scores very highly as a trusted medium and this survey shows, once again, that listeners can turn to radio for reassurance, entertainment and information when they need it most.”
These figures are published amid the COVD-19 pandemic, during which commercial radio has seen an uplift in listening as audiences. Radiocentre’s latest research into the changes in listening under lockdown found that 90% of respondents were tuning in to stay in touch with the outside world, with a similar amount agreeing that commercial radio kept them informed (89%). A further 84% – possibly missing regular social activities – said that radio keeps them company.