Yvonne runs the clearance team that pre-vets up to 30,000 radio ad scripts each year in accordance with the industry’s advertising code of practice. She set up radio’s first medium-specific advertising clearance service in 1996 and has been at the helm ever since. Before this she spent five years with the regulatory body the Radio Authority. Yvonne started her career in BBC radio but jumped ship to the commercial sector and has never looked back.
Our clearance service ensures that advertising messages on commercial radio stations comply with the necessary content rules and standards laid out in the BCAP Code of Broadcast Advertising and the Ofcom Broadcasting Code.
In addition to our standard clearance, we offer a number of extra services.
Fast-track Clearance
We aim to clear or advise on scripts within 24 hours of campaign upload during normal office hours (9:00-17:30 Mon-Thu, 9:00-16:30 Fri). We also provide a premium, 2-hour Fast Track service for scripts that need extra-fast turnaround for a fee.
Cost per script to Radiocentre non-members and Associate Members: £300 + VAT at 20% (£360)
Discounted cost per script for Full Radiocentre members: £100 + VAT at 20% (£120)
This service is provided with the following conditions.
- Clearance within 2 hours of final evidence submission (note: not possible for ads in need of a consultant’s view)
- Requests are made via our campaign upload site
- Subject to proof of same day or prompt BACS transfer and published terms and conditions
Out-of-hours Clearance
Sometimes it’s necessary for a client to get scripts cleared outside of normal office hours. Radiocentre offers a pre-arranged service to provide this clearance.
Please contact us to discuss fees.
Radiocentre Trustmark
Radiocentre Trustmark is an initiative aimed at reassuring listeners that they can trust the advertising messages they hear on commercial radio. There is no compulsory pre-vetting for online and press advertising, but the system for broadcast radio is different. All broadcast radio ads for special category advertisers must be pre-vetted and approved by the clearance team at Radiocentre, the commercial radio industry’s trade body. Use of the Trustmark logo displays a commitment to best practice by ensuring that all special category radio ads are approved by the Radiocentre Clearance team. Those signed up to the scheme will be able to display the Radiocentre Trustmark logo on their website and marketing communications. Use of the logo is granted on condition that the logo acts as a link to this page, the Radiocentre Trustmark homepage. Radiocentre Trustmark participants known to have broadcast a special category advertisement without Radiocentre Clearance approval will be reminded of their obligation, whether a complaint has been received or not and we will seek to help them ensure compliance in future.
What are the special categories?
The UK Code of Broadcast Advertising (BCAP Code) recognises that some radio advertising sectors need special care to avoid having a detrimental effect on listeners. The code defines the following sectors as the special categories:
- Consumer credit, investment and complex financial products and services
- Gambling products and services
- Alcohol products
- Medical and health and beauty products and treatments
- Food, nutrition and food supplements
- Slimming products, treatments and establishments
- Films, DVDs, video, computer and console games that have an 18+ certificate or rating
- Dating and introduction services
- Commercial services offering individual personal and consumer advice
- Environmental claims
- Matters of public controversy including matters of a political or industrial nature
- Religious organisations
- Charitable causes
- Adult shops, stripograms, escort agencies and premium-rate sexual entertainment services.
If a station were to broadcast ads for special category services without this clearance, in breach of the code, they would risk an automatically upheld ASA ruling and ultimately repeat offenders could be referred to Ofcom which could impose fines and revoke their licence.
How do I join Radiocentre Trustmark?
Radiocentre members – Clearance services are provided to Radiocentre members. By joining Radiocentre, radio stations commit to ensuring that they send all special category advertisements (as defined by The UK Code of Broadcast Advertising) to Radiocentre Clearance for approval. Permission to use the Trustmark logo and a link to our website for further details is included in Radiocentre membership.
Advertising agencies / brands that choose to join must ensure that they send their special category advertisements to us for clearance. They will then be able to use the Trustmark. Contact us to find out more on clearance@radiocentre.org or 020 7010 0608.
Non-members who do not send their advertisements to Radiocentre Clearance for approval would be breaching the BCAP code should they broadcast special category ads.
Clearance Training
Want to learn our tips for getting your radio campaigns on air as quickly as possible? Need a refresher in radio copy compliance? Radiocentre’s Clearance team will take you on an interactive tour of everything you need to know to get your scripts cleared fast. Find out how we approach misleadingness and comparative claims and learn what evidence you’ll need. Debate the issues around social responsibility, harm and offence and discuss problematic scripts and cases which have led to ASA-upheld complaints.
Please click here to find out more and sign up for free.