Radio Bites

Radio Bite: A good news story

Radio is a powerful and sometimes underutilised platform for advertisers. During these unprecedented times our Radio Bites series will give compelling reasons for brands to continue to be heard on the airwaves and why consumers will be listening.

Our latest report, Commercial Radio: A force for good, looks at the ways in which our industry has provided vital public value as it responded to the coronavirus pandemic, with case studies and initiatives from broadcasters covering charity and community work, mental health support, championing diversity and key workers, help for local business and more.

Commercial radio has been an important vehicle for delivering essential Government messages, both through its news bulletins and public health information ads. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, stations’ commitment to news coverage has increased, despite the relaxation of formal requirements by communications regulator Ofcom. The report found that on average, news bulletins have increased both in frequency (25% more) and duration (28% longer) across the industry.

By providing more news, more often, commercial radio is providing significant value to audiences; recent research from the Reuters Institute also highlighted the low levels of news avoidance for radio during the pandemic, when compared to news on TV, newspaper brands and social media. And for brands, it lends its reputation of trustworthiness – previous research has shown that 77% of people said they see radio as a trusted source of national news, more than any other media.