Radio Bites

Radio Bite: Appealing Audio

Radio is a powerful and often underused platform for advertisers. During these unprecedented times, our Radio Bites series will give compelling reasons for brands to continue to be heard on the airwaves and why consumers will be listening.

As seen in our last Bite, and in Audio Everywhere, the radio set is still the most-listened to device but the number of devices that are used to listen to audio is growing. Live radio remains the dominant format on many of these devices, including voice activated devices like the Amazon Echo or Google Home.

In our research report Getting Vocal, we explore how in single-device households, the predominant location is in a shared space such as the living room, kitchen or dining room, meaning that it is easily accessible for and used by all members of the household. Audio Everywhere and our research shows us that voice-activated devices are used increasingly for live radio, with radio dominating listening on Echo accounting for 72% of all Echo time spent with audio entertainment.

Our research highlights radio’s resilience and adaptability to new technologies, helping to keep it relevant for listeners and advertisers. “Echo users recall hearing advertising on the device, with radio cited as the main – and most natural – source of exposure ahead of other audio services”, and with exposure to all members of the household, there is a wide audience to target.

As we’ve seen in previous Bites, having a distinctive brand sound will instantly make your brand more recognisable in an audio-led world. Consistent use of straplines, music, and voice – over time and across different platforms – helps drive brand recognition, likeability and deeper engagement.

You can read our Getting Vocal research here.