Investments & Spread-Betting

There are detailed rules on financial advertising in Section 14 of the BCAP Code.
The following categories of advertisement may only be broadcast on specialised financial radio stations or radio programming:

  • advertisements for the acquisition or disposal of derivatives, warrants or other transferable securities (such as shares) that are not on the Official List of the FSA or admitted to trading on a Regulated Market in the UK or other EEA State (as defined by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive);
  • advertisements for spread betting, as an investment only; they must comply with Section 17 of the BCAP Code;
  • advertisements for contracts for differences (except spread betting), provided the products are available only to clients who have demonstrated through an appropriate pre-vetting procedure that they have relevant financial trading experience;
  • advertisements for investments exempt from FSMA regulation. The advertiser may need legal advice demonstrating their exemption.

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