
BCAP Code Rules 3.49-3.53 apply.

Radiocentre Guidance
Use of the words “guarantee”, “guaranteed”, “warranty”, “warranted” etc. is acceptable only if a published document exists. The meaning of the guarantee should either be outlined in the advertisement or made available to consumers at the point of sale.

Some popular uses of the word “guarantee” are:

  • “It’s pure entertainment – guaranteed” – no evidence needed when the word is used in the colloquial sense and cannot be measured in any way;
  • “With a ten-year guarantee” – a written guarantee must be available to consumers at the point of sale;
  • “With a full money-back guarantee” – where the consumer’s money is refunded if dissatisfied with the product. The advertiser needs to provide details of how the refund scheme operates;
  • “Unbeatable prices guaranteed” – for more information on this, please see the Price Promise guidance.

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