
There are detailed rules on alcohol advertising in Section 9 of the BCAP Code. Advertising copy – by content, style or tone – must not encourage people to start drinking alcohol or encourage people to drink more alcohol than usual.

Advertisements for alcoholic drinks must not be directed at under 18s or use scenarios which appeal particularly to under 18s.

Advertisements for alcoholic drinks must not be scheduled in programmes directed particularly at under 18s or in religious programmes.

Copy must not include any personality who has a particular appeal to under 18s. All voiceovers must be, and sound to be, at least 25 years of age.

References to sales promotions such as “free drinks all night” and “all you can drink for £10 at X Nightclub” are not acceptable because they could be interpreted to suggest or condone drinking to excess. References to “happy hour” or “a free drink” however may be acceptable.

Copy must not falsely indicate the country of origin of an alcoholic drink. The tag “brewed in the UK” will be needed in cases where an advertisement for a drink manufactured in the UK nevertheless portrays the drink as being brewed, or originating from, overseas.

While a Drinkaware warning at the end of the ad is not required by the BCAP Code, the advertiser may have made a commitment to including this information. On that basis we won’t advise that ads be amended to include or delete this line and we support and encourage the inclusion of these messages.

Ads intended to counter problem drinking or tell consumers about alcohol-related health & safety themes should not promote an alcoholic product or brand.

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